The Sloan site was an Early Archaic Dalton culture site that was excavated in the spring of 1974 by the Arkansas Archeological Survey. The site was located on a low sand dune in northeastern Arkansas near the Cache River. Although never proven absolutely, it's believed to have been a cemetery and the artifacts found there were grave goods. This site, if the interpretation is true, is the earliest organized cemetery in the New World so far discovered to date.
   A total of 448 Dalton culture projectile points and other tools were excavated within an area of 36 by 39 feet. The artifacts were found in clusters or caches that were laid out in generally six foot long patterns. The individual caches and the way they were laid out is good evidence that these were burials. It's believed that somewhere between 12 and 25 graves were originally located there. Only a very few tiny bone fragments were found on the site.
   Out of a total of 448 artifacts discovered 144 were Dalton points. Many of them were made by very skilled craftsman. Several of these points  are some of the best examples of Dalton points that can be found in any collection. The quality of manufacture and diversity of styles are not unlike other cultural burial sites. The Mississippian site at Cahokia Mounds in Illinois is famous for the excavation of Mound 72.  Approximately 1200 very skillfully made arrow points were found on that burial site. There have also been a few Clovis caches such as Anzick in 
Montana or the Simon cache in Idaho that are also similar with finely crafted artifacts and associated with a burial (at least with Anzick).
   Just about every type of Dalton artifacts made of stone were found on the Sloan site. Besides the 144 Dalton points there were Dalton preforms and Adze preforms along with 30 complete adzes. Various types of scrapers, abraders and cobble tools such as hammerstones were also found. The  55 sandstone abraders found there is good evidence that these people were probably working with such materials as bone or antler to make such things as needles, hair pins, fishhooks or gorges,  awls, etc.

   The Sloan site is unique in many ways.  One is that most of the Dalton points are unbroken. This is almost unknown on other Early Archaic sites. Many of the points are also not beveled or resharpened which would indicate they may have never have been used.
   The largest point found on the Sloan site is about 7 1/2 inches long and 2 3/8 inches wide. At least two of the largest Dalton points found on this site was named Sloan Daltons by Dr. Dan F. Morse who excavated the site. They are named after the owner of the land.
   The Dalton period in the Central Mississippi Valley lasted from approximately 10,500 to 9,500 years ago. In the southeastern United States it's believed that the Archaic developed out of the Dalton period.
   It's difficult to estimate the Dalton population during this time. They probably lived in small family bands of 20 to 50 people. They were organized hunters who hunted white-tailed deer, smaller animals, fish, birds and gathered wild foods such as nuts berries and seeds.
Morse, Dan F., Morse, Phyllis A. 1983 pp 71-95

Sloan site serrated dalton point.

Sloan site parallel flaked dalton point.

Sloan site serrated Dalton point.

Sloan site dalton point.

Large resharpened Sloan site Dalton point.

Large Sloan site dalton point.

Sloan site serrated dalton point. Sloan site Dalton point. Sloan site drill.