Glass Trade and Folsom Beads
Kentucky & Kansas

    These are two of the smallest Beads I have handled here at the lab. The smallest one on the left is a glass trade bead called a sand bead. It dates to sometime after European contact. This bead was given to me a few years ago by a man who had a short string of them in his collection of beads. He said they came from a site in the southeastern U.S. where someone was digging many years ago and at the end of the day saw a green stain in the area they were working. He picked up the green stain along with the dirt and put it in a bag. It was only some time later he discovered that the color was actually hundreds of these little glass trade beads called sand beads. The object they were originally sewn to must have been very intricate!
    The larger bead was found during excavation by a team from the University of Kansas. They were excavating a Folsom site in Texas called the Shifting Sands site. This bead was found adhering to a flake of stone. The material it's made of has not been identified but it would probably be either bone or ivory. It dates to around 11,000 years ago.

Folsom bead and glass sand bead.
Pete Bostrom & Univ. of Kansas Anthropology Dept. Coll.