POSTERS SHOWING HUNDREDS OF EXAMPLES OF STONE AGE ARTIFACTS COLLECTIONS OF" Smithsonian Institution, American Museum Of Natural History, Montana Historical Society, Museum Of The Great Plains, Maine State Museum, Illinois State Museum, Mastodon State Park, St. Louis Science Center, Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Denver Museum Of Natural History, Oberlin College, University Of Kansas, University Of Indiana, University Of Wyoming, The Herrett Museum, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, The Ukraine Academy Of Sciences, Humrickhouse Museum, Augustana College, Bureau For historic Preservation-Pennsylvania, University Of California At Berkeley, Great Lakes Artifact Repository, Bureau Of Reclamation, University Of Missouri-Columbia, Thunderbird Research Corporation, State University Of New York At Brockport, Plus Many Private Collections In The U.S. ALL POSTERS MEASURE 24 1/2 by 39 1/4 Inches THEY ALL HAVE AN INFORMATION "KEY" AT THE BOTTOM "WORLD" & "PALEO" POSTERS COME WITH A DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET |
"CAHOKIA ARTIFACTS" CAHOKIA MOUNDS STATE HISTORIC SITE--ILLINOIS The artifacts in this picture are from the Mississippian Period and date to somewhere between A.D. 800 to 1500. About half were borrowed from the state of Illinois and represent some of the nicest examples of Stone Age artifacts ever discovered in this area. 78 of the famous mound 72 arrowheads are illustrated which are considered to be the best examples of Mississippian arrow points ever found at Cahokia. Most of these artifacts were collected many years ago in plowed fields before the land was purchased by the state of Illinois or were professionally excavated within the Cahokia Mounds Historic site. This site is located just east of St. Louis, Missouri and is believed to have been the largest Indian city in North America The largest Indian mound in North America is also located here. This temple mound is 103 feet high and is known as "monks Mound". Many of these artifacts are made of the beautiful semi-translucent red, yellow and orange kaolin chert from southern Illinois. |
FROM 30 DIFFERENT STATES IN THE UNITED STATES The artifacts in this picture represent some of the oldest Stone Age tools ever found in the United States. They range in age from 14,000 to 10,500 years ago. The Early Paleo artifacts in this picture were collected in 30 different states within the U.S. This was the first and only time this many important Paleo-Indian artifacts were ever brought together for a single picture. Many of the Clovis kill sites are represented such as the Colby mammoth kill in Wyoming, the Domebo mammoth kill in Oklahoma, the Lange Ferguson mammoth kill in South Dakota and the Kimmswick mastodon kill site in Missouri just to name a few. Cache sites such as Anzick, Drake, Richey and Lamb are represented plus camp sites and manufacturing sites. Most of the artifacts in this picture are fluted spear points but all tool types are represented. From gravers to end-scrapers. This poster comes with an eight page magazine size booklet that describes each artifact. |
ARTIFACTS WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER All the artifacts in this picture were collected west of the Mississippi River and are thought to be associated with the oldest recognized cultural tradition in North America called Clovis. They were assembled for this picture in 1991 from some of the largest museum, university and private collections in the country. Many are recognized as some of the most important Clovis artifacts ever discovered and have been published in countless scientific papers. Some of the Clovis points in this picture are generally believed to be the best examples ever found. The most important sites represented are Colby, Gault, Blackwater Draw, Domebo, Lange Ferguson, Kimmswick, Anzick and Dutton. Several examples from the Drake and Fenn Caches are also represented. Some were found during excavation of mammoth and mastodon kill sites, cache sites and a camp site. An 8 page magazine size color booklet that describes each artifact is included with each poster. |
"STONE AGE ARTIFACTS OF THE WORLD" "2 MILLION YEARS OF STONE TOOL DEVELOPMENT" ARTIFACTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD! There are 540 Stone Age artifacts in this picture. Each one is an excellent example for which it represents and a few that are nearly the best examples that can be found in the world. They were borrowed from 24 different museum, university and private collections in the United States. The Smithsonian Institution and the American Museum of Natural History were the largest. There are many artifacts from the U.S. The largest is a ceremonial blade 30 inches long from California. There are slate daggers from South Korea, Mayan macro blade daggers from Belize, Neolithic daggers from Europe, spear points from Easter Island, hollow base points from Egypt and Eskimo artifacts. 27 different countries are represented such as Lybia, Afganistan, Java, Switzerland and China just to name a few. The artifacts represent a time span of approximately 2 million years. There are a few examples represented by Homo habilis, Homo erectus and Neanderthal. This poster comes with a 20 page well illustrated book that describes each artifact. |
"MITCHELL SITE" A LATE STONE AGE FARMING COMMUNITY SOUTH EAST SOUTH DAKOTA The Mitchell site is a prehistoric village where farming people once lived. They lived there approximately 1,000 years ago and are believed to have been the ancestors of the Mandan who were settled along the Missouri River at the time of Euro-American contact. At it's height, the population of this village is thought to have been about 500 to 800 people. The majority of the 22 artifacts in this picture were professionally excavated within the last thirty years and properly recorded. They are common items that were once used in normal everyday life by these people. The bone awls, fishhooks, axes, arrowheads, drills, spindle whorls, ceramics, etc. are typical examples of items found on sites were these ancient farming people lived. All the artifacts in this picture are described at the bottom of the picture in the artifact "key'. Two modern interpretive centers are located on the Mitchell site today. |
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